Continuity Coordinator

FEH’s personal Wonder Woman, Toni keeps the Des Moines office organized while she preps client proposals. A master hostess and MVG (Most Valuable Grandma), she throws the best parties with the most delicious food.

Q&A with Continuity Coordinator Toni

How did you decide on your career path?

I just love people and love design!

What is your favorite part of the design process?

It’s really special for me to get to see what started out as a design concept, become a reality.

How are you creating vibrant communities through design?

At FEH, I’m proud to provide the “behind the scenes” support for our team members who create and design. In my person life, I love to volunteer at church through our Stephen Ministry which provides care and compassion for people who are hurting.

What makes Des Moines a great place to live?

My kids and grandkids (and of course my work) are here. Doesn’t get any better than that!

Contact Info

Des Moines Office
604 East Grand Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50309

515  288  2000

fast facts

Family: Husband Jim, four sons, a daughter, fourteen grandchildren.

Personality: Care Giver.

College Mascot: Cyclones.

Inspiration Animal: Lion.

Hobby: Cooking. Hosting.

Karaoke: Mama He’s Crazy – The Judds.

Nom: Chips ‘n Dip.

Collection: Christmas Décor.

Breakfast: Biscuits and Gravy.

First Car: Monte Carlo…since a motorcycle doesn’t count.

Holiday: Christmas. Christmas. And more Christmas!

Create with Toni